Efter en veckas ledighet från skolan har de flesta hunnit ladda på med ny energi från olika håll. Majoriteten från klassen valde att åka iväg på mindre resor och ett populärt mål under ledigheten blev för många Rio de Janeiro i Brasilien. Det blir givetvis ett besök i Rio för mig med men strax före
Tag: Argentina
Äntligen är våren kommen i Buenos Aires. I drygt en månad har det varit ostadigt väder och kylan har gjort sig påmind även fast vi fått ett par soliga dagar. Men nu går det mot varmare tider och uppemot 20 C under dagtid, vilket kan liknas vid en typisk sommardag hemma i Stockholm, med andra
Efter en 19 timmar lång flygresa landar jag i en stad som lämnar mig totalt mållös redan vid första anblicken. Jag är inte längre i Sverige, eller ens i Europa för den delen. Jag kommer ut från den stora flygplatsen med mina resväskor och möts av en behaglig värme: jag har precis landat i Buenos
My name is Shamina and i’m currently studying my bachelors in Socialanthropology, at Stockholm University. I’m in my second year and third semester right now and the biggest difference between this semester and the previous ones is that im taking this one in Buenos Aires with Kulturstudier! This is my first study experience abroad and
When you arrive Buenos Aires, you quickly understand that people chose this journey for a lot of different reasons. Let’s look into why this is THE opportunity; Cultural experience and understanding! Do you have any interests you have always dreamed of studying and understanding, but don’t know how to make it fit into your career?
I have had a lot of experience with hospital here in Buenos Aires, and would therefore like to share my experience and some guidelines. First of all, we are strongly recommended to stay away from public hospital because of the low quality and the lack of new technology. Therefore we must go to private hospitals
Quinta Esencia is a sustainability school in the countryside of Buenos Aires. It is located in Coronel Vidal, and is owned by the leaders of Kulturstudier here in Buenos Aires. A few times during the semester, we are invited to Quinta Esencia, to teach and work with permaculture and sustainability. The weekend I went to Quinta
1. The Sunday market in San Telmo is one of my absolute favourite things to do! This marked offers beautiful, beautiful handmade products. The prices are a bit more expensive than normal markets; but once you see the craftsmanship you will understand why. You will also find local artists singing there, tango dancers in the
While our courses take place in the Central Buenos Aires satelite campus, our Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM) has its main campus in San Martin, which is a 40 minutes train ride. It is a state university, and it has about 19 000 students and 600 teachers. UNSAM focuses on the fields of science and technology,
The university we are studying at is called Universidad Nacional de San Martin, and has its main base at the outskirts of Buenos Aires. They also have a small base downtown (Sarmiento 1853) where we are studying! This base is recently renovated. It is on the 5th floor of the building, and consist four classrooms