I have to admit, as frustrating this fieldwork for development studies can get sometimes, I cant get over the fact that it is getting more and more interesting! The last week has been full of information, and it really is fun to see how everything adds up to the literature, and everything that does not. This fieldwork is really a good opportunity to push your boundries and see that you are getting closer and closer to your findings. I realized while discussing with a friend how exiting and impulsiv I really am getting over politics and youth here in Esteli!
We have been doing crazy participatory methods that we have started to question ourselves how eager we really are to get the information we really want. But eating babyfood and being active with young pregnant women might as well be worth it. Haha!
While ending the second week and going into the third, I am realizing how much I am actually enjoying myself here. It almost starts to feel like home, specially when you get home from work and open the door and hear two children scream of happiness and run towards you to hug you. Our host family is really kind, and the amount of love you get her is endless.