Category: All in English

When you arrive Buenos Aires, you quickly understand that people chose this journey for a lot of different reasons. Let’s look into why this is THE opportunity; Cultural experience and understanding! Do you have any interests you have always dreamed of studying and understanding, but don’t know how to make it fit into your career?

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I have had a lot of experience with hospital here in Buenos Aires, and would therefore like to share my experience and some guidelines. First of all, we are strongly recommended to stay away from public hospital because of the low quality and the lack of new technology. Therefore we must go to private hospitals

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It is crazy how fast time flies by. Ten weeks are already over. Lectures and seminars are over. Fieldwork is done. Oral presentations and 3 days exam is submitted. What remains is home exam. Studying development studies here in Leon has been great. There has been some ups and downs, some life crisis here and

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I have now hiked my second volcano! And this time one of the most active volcanos of Nicaragua! It was an incredible and magical experience. Telica erupts frequently, and its ash is visible from a very long distance. The best part with hiking Telica was that we got to see both sunset and moonrise –

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Semena Santa, also known as Holy Week, is a special week in Nicaragua. As I have mentioned in previous entires, Nicaragua is highly dominated by the Catholic Church. This means that Christians holidays are celebrated in a very much visible way. The easter here is celebrated in totally different way from for instance in Norway where

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Some of the fondest memories I have from my stay in Vietnam are from Cham Islands. As a part of the group paper all of us write at the end of the study, we get to do our own field work. Our group chose to write about MPAs (Marine Protected Areas), and how this affects

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This weekend we went to the festival of El Mundo Feliz! The festival was from Friday to Sunday, and was located at Quinta Esencia. El Mundo Feliz is an annual festival, which takes place once a year, whereas this was the first time it took place at Quinta Esencia. It is a quite small festival

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