Jeg heter Tuva Emilie Haugdahl Røskar, er 25 år og kommer fra Oslo. De siste 5 årene har jeg studert psykologi på profesjonsprogrammet i Trondheim. Før jeg tar fatt på det siste året, og etterhvert går inn i det uunngåelige og noe skremmende voksenlivet, skal jeg nå tilbringe 18 uker i den sjarmerende byen Leon,
Category: Nicaragua
It is crazy how fast time flies by. Ten weeks are already over. Lectures and seminars are over. Fieldwork is done. Oral presentations and 3 days exam is submitted. What remains is home exam. Studying development studies here in Leon has been great. There has been some ups and downs, some life crisis here and
I have now hiked my second volcano! And this time one of the most active volcanos of Nicaragua! It was an incredible and magical experience. Telica erupts frequently, and its ash is visible from a very long distance. The best part with hiking Telica was that we got to see both sunset and moonrise –
Semena Santa, also known as Holy Week, is a special week in Nicaragua. As I have mentioned in previous entires, Nicaragua is highly dominated by the Catholic Church. This means that Christians holidays are celebrated in a very much visible way. The easter here is celebrated in totally different way from for instance in Norway where
Yesterday was a really good day. It was definitely a day I needed after a long week with headache and stomach pain. The rumors were saying that there was going to be party at the beach with football- and vollyball games, and a surfing competition. I hadnt been to the beach in ages, so it
Fieldwork has been filled with hard work, smiles, arguments, and even some tears here and there. But it has been a very given experience. And even though it has been some hard periods while in the field, it has only made the whole period worth really working hard for. We all learned alot and I
I have to admit, as frustrating this fieldwork for development studies can get sometimes, I cant get over the fact that it is getting more and more interesting! The last week has been full of information, and it really is fun to see how everything adds up to the literature, and everything that does not. This
The fieldwork has ‘finally’ started and development students are now placed in their fields. Me and three other classmates have made it to Esteli and our research has begun. Esteli is a really nice city with a weather of cold breeze. The city is filled with culture and is known for its painted walls. It
Time is flying too fast! The third week is already over and we are leaving for our research work this weekend. Some are leaving tomorrow while other on Sunday. We are going to be out in our field for about three weeks. I am going to Esteli, which is the third largest city in Nicaragua.
On friday development students and spanish students had a school trip to León Viejo and Laguna del Tigre. León Viejo We arrived at León Viejo in our old American school bus with loud spanish music. The atmosphere was great and our driver was driving the bus like a fast running horse like always. León Viejo has been