Studiehverdagen vår her i Hoi an byr på flere morsomme sosiale aktiviteter som både lærer oss mer om Vietnam og om hverandre. Jeg tenkte derfor å fortelle litt om lørdagen vi hadde den såkalte «Vietnam day». Det skulle vise seg å bli en dag med mye fart, spenning og gode smaksopplevelser. Dagen startet med en
Category: Vietnam
Fredagen som var dro vi på tur med skolen for å besøke to landsbyer ved navn Bhoong og Dhroong. Der møtte vi Katu-folket, en etnisk minoritet i Vietnam. De var tidligere nomader, men nå har de slått seg ned ved fjellene, omtrent tre timers kjøretur fra Hoi An. På forhånd ble vi delt opp i
We have now been studying and living in Hoi an for a week and a half, and I think I can speak for most of us when saying that things are pretty good. The first week in Hoi an, included trips in and around the city, the first lectures and seminars, and social events and
The first of ten weeks here in Hoi An has already passed, and I feel like I have gotten a good overview of the city, and already experienced a whole lot! The students are from all over Norway, in addition to three from Vietnam. Coming from the capital (of Norway) myself, I don’t have much
After finishing ten weeks of lectures in Hoi An, it was time for our three-week home exam. Where you write this exam is optional, some are travelling home to Norway right away and some stay in Vietnam or somewhere else in Asia to write it. Me and seven other girls decided we wanted to write
If you`re ever staying in Hoi An, Vietnam: GO VISIT THE CHAM ISLANDS. This weekend we drove a speedboat to the Cham Islands which is about a 20 minutes boat ride away from Hoi An. The island is quite big, even though it is just a small part across the coastline of the island that
We thought we had experienced the hot days of humid Vietnam, having walked and cycled around in sweaty cloths for the whole period we have stayed here. Air condition have been a best friend to most of us, and the fans have been running on full power in the classroom from the first day. But
This weekend it was time for our first field trip, and we drove two and a half hours to spend the night with the Ka Tu-people. Our class was split into two groups, and we were divided into different villages. In our village, the locals had prepared a room full of matresses in the community
When you go with Kulturstudier you will study quite a bit. It’s an academic program where you have school, assignments and lectures. Every day is different, but also comes with structure and a plan. But you will also live as a student, having spare time to do what you please and go where you want.
Before I arrived Vietnam, I had heard that Hoi An is among the most beautiful cities in the world. Lanterns, lights, rivers and late-night music were in my mind as I entered the plane from Norway. When we arrived Hoi An, the rain was falling from the sky, and the water was floating high in